25 Amazing Facts About Facebook. Facts About Facebook.

Amazing Facts About Facebook.

Facebook is huge.

In fact, it’s the number one social media site in the world.

Facebook is where you go to stalk your ex, chat with your BFFL, and post your post-vacation selfies.

If you’re a marketer, it’s the platform where you can find 2.6 billion potential customers.

Facebook users in billions

But you already know that.

Here are 25 facts you didn’t know about Facebook.

25 Facts about Facebook Most People Don’t Know

Read on to learn facts to impress your friends and encourage you to start marketing on Facebook today.

1. Mark Zuckerberg’s First Idea Was a Site Called Facemash

When Zuckerberg was in Harvard, he had the idea of creating a site that allowed users to compare people’s faces.

With the platform, users could pick “who’s hotter.”

Not surprisingly, his idea didn’t impress Harvard’s administrators.

Zuckerberg’s project was shut down and he was threatened with expulsion.

2. Zuckerberg’s Second Idea Was an Online Student Directory

He called the directory “Thefacebook.” People who used it could:

  • Search for other Harvard students.
  • Find out who else was taking the classes they were in.
  • Look up friends of their friends.
  • Create a social network.
  • Although “Thefacebook” started out as an exclusive directory for Harvard students, it soon grew to include anyone above 13.

    3. Facebook’s Early Years Were Rough

    As soon as Facebook was created, Zuckerberg found himself surrounded by legal troubles.

    Fellow Harvard students Divya Narendra, Cameron Winklevoss, and Tyler Winklevoss sued him for allegedly stealing their idea.

    The fight went on for four long years.

    In the end, Zuckerberg paid Divya Narendra and the Winklevoss brothers $65 million.

    He also granted them Facebook shares as part of the settlement.

    4. Facebook Is the Third Most Popular Site in the World

    It’s next only to Google and YouTube.

    5. 71% of Americans Use Facebook

    This percentage is high, considering only 38% of Americans use Instagram, and only 23% use Twitter.

    6. Women Use Facebook More than Men

    A Pew Research Center survey found that 75% of women use Facebook, compared with only 63% of men.

    Online platform use by demographics

    7. Facebook Users Have Uploaded 250 Billion Photos

    This means 350 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every single day!

    8. The Older Generation is Growing More Interested in Facebook

    In 2015, 71% of American teens were on Facebook.

    Today, the number is down to 51%.

    On the other hand, seniors are part of the fastest-growing group on Facebook.

    In 2019, Baby Boomer usage reached 60%.

    9. Facebook is Super Popular in Rural Areas

    Three out of four American Facebook users live in the city.

    But this doesn’t mean Facebook isn’t popular in rural areas.

    In fact, 66% of American adults in rural areas use Facebook.

    It’s followed by YouTube (64%) and Pinterest (26%).

    10. The U.S. Accounts for the Lowest Facebook Audience in the World

    The majority of Facebook users live outside the U.S. and Canada.

    Facebook daily active users

    11. Asia Pacific Accounts for 38% of Facebook’s Active Users

    Indonesia, India, and the Philippines are the countries seeing the biggest growth in Facebook user accounts.

    India has the highest number of Facebook users – 260 million.

    Facebook users by country

    12. Only Half of Facebook Users Speak English

    More than half of Facebook accounts are set in a non-English language.

    What makes it convenient for non-English speakers is that Facebook has over 100 languages to choose from.

    13. Up to 98% of People on Facebook Use Mobile

    In April 2020, over 98% of active user accounts worldwide accessed the social network via any kind of mobile phone.

    The largest percentage can be found in Africa, where 98% of Facebook users are on mobile.

    14. The Difference Between Conservative & Liberal Facebook Users Is 1%

    35% of users are conservative, 34% are liberal, and 29% are “moderate.”

    15. People Are Most Active on Facebook at 8 a.m. & 10 p.m.

    If you’re a businessperson or a marketer looking to advertise on Facebook, it’s best to stick to morning and evening posts.

    16. 88% of Facebook Users Created an Account to Stay in Touch with Family & Friends

    Here are the top reasons why people create Facebook accounts.

    Reasons people use Facebook

    17. 3/4 of Facebook Users Visit the Site Daily

    51% reported they visit the site more than once a day, according to Pew Research.

    That means plenty of opportunities exist for you to reach your audience if they’re active users.

    18. The Average Daily Time People Spend on Facebook Is 58 Minutes

    58 minutes is a long time, but it doesn’t mean users spend five minutes analyzing each post on their feeds.

    In fact, the average user will only spend 1.7 seconds on a single piece of content.

    As a marketer, this means you only have that long to catch someone’s attention.

    19. Facebook Is a Popular Platform for Marketers

    86.3% of marketers use Facebook to promote a brand.

    20. Facebook Users Will Follow a Brand to Get a Special Offer

    39% of users actively follow brands offering giveaways, contests, and offers on their pages.

    Providing an irresistible offer – and serving up high-quality content – is a great way to grow (and keep) your audience.

    21. Facebook Allows You to See the People Who Have Deleted or Ignored Your Friend Requests

    It’s easy.

    Click on Friend Requests and select See All.

    Above the People You May Know section, click on View Sent Requests.

    You’ll see a list of people who have either ignored or deleted your friend request.

    Facebook view sent friend requests

    22. You Can Save a Facebook Post for Later

    Want to go back to something that caught your attention as you were scrolling through your news feed?

    Simply click the ellipsis at the top of the post and select Save Link.

    Save Facebook post to read later

    You can find the link again when you visit the Saved items on your Favorites bar.

    23. You Can Download a Copy of Everything You’ve Ever Done on Facebook

    All you have to do is go to Settings, then Your Facebook Information, then Download Your Information.

    You’ll get a copy of every post you shared, every chat conversation, and literally everything you’ve ever done on Facebook!

    24. You Can Stop Getting Notifications for Friends’ Birthdays

    Go to Settings and click Notifications.

    Scroll down until you find the on/off button for friends’ birthday notifications.

    25. You Can Find Out How Much Time You Spend on Facebook

    Click on the More menu, then go to Settings and Privacy. From there, you’ll find Your Time on Facebook.

    How to Use Your Knowledge to Become a Better Facebook Marketer

    Learning fun facts about Facebook isn’t just an entertaining past time.

    If you’re a marketer, it means gaining a sneak peek into what’ll work and what won’t in reaching out to your audience.

    Which gender to tailor your message to. Which age group. Which nationality.

    When you become a Facebook expert, it’ll be a breeze to market on the platform.

    By Amazing Facts

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